Welcome to our homechooling hub page!
Welcome to our homechooling hub page!
We hope that the resources we add here will help you in your homeschooling journey! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Our homeschool is called Families for Christ where we offer tutoring and support for homeschool families.
HSLDA is a great resource whether you are just starting out or been at it awhile. Check here for state guidelines and more! hslda.org/
HSLDA is a great resource whether you are just starting out or been at it awhile. Check here for state guidelines and more! hslda.org/

If you are a resident of Louisiana, here is the link to the Louisiana Department of Education. This is where you can find the two different homeschhol options, Home Study, or Non Public School not seeking State approval. All the registration forms and guidelines are also found here.